We'd like to do a little promotion for one of our many clients - Amino Brothers. Heavy Highway Construction is their field of expertise, including earthwork, utilities, concrete & asphalt paving operations. Located in Kansas City, Kansas, Amino has been around longer than P-Tn - SEVENTY YEARS, but only recently decided to add a website to their marketing and promotional efforts. Wish I could say that P-Tn built the site, but we did not. In the end, we provided photography, and a bit of ... Read More about DON’T BE ABSENT from THE WEB!
DIGITAL FILES are only the BEGINNING. . . We continue to share posts about our professional color enlargements, and framing them for office wall display and/or gifting to owners / engineers / architects and project team members. We've been doing this for years with a number of P-Tn clients who have found this a very effective way of closing out a job on a positive note, while using the TITLE BLOCK in these photos to remind the owner, and others, who successfully completed the work. Several ... Read More about RUNNING OUT OF TIME?
DIGITAL FILES are only the BEGINNING. . . We're opening a fresh package of color enlargements, soon to be framed for our client. WALL DISPLAY Photographs are still popular amongst our clients to showcase accomplishments with visitors, clients, and their own team & employees. Whether taken on the ground, or aerials from our UAS-Drones, we will make professional quality prints for your offices. Don't miss an opportunity to show people what you do - using digital files for social media and ... Read More about WALL DISPLAY PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS
NO - this is NOT a scale model railroad in my basement! We're emphasizing a newly rebuilt railroad BRIDGE along the KAW. However, this is also an excellent illustration of work that goes unnoticed [except by the railroad, of course] because it's inaccessible to the general public, and even to those in the business of bridge building or railroad maintenance. The only way to share work like this is to photograph or video it shortly after completion of the work ... and drone aerial imagery is ... Read More about “MODEL” RAILROADS are for SHARING!
KEEPING BUSY "INNOVATING" in the new DIGS*. P-Tn has been providing Site-Monitoring Services since the 1990's - ProgressWEBCAMS are used by our clients to keep an eye on construction and development sites in the KC Metro area, and elsewhere in the MidWest. Right now, we've got nearly all of our Solar-Powered Trailer Units deployed ... but don't shed any tears. We have access to more, and we have units available for installations on buildings, poles, roofs, and more. Don't hesitate to call if ... Read More about WE INNOVATE to SERVE CLIENTS
AERIAL Construction Progress Documentation is not expensive! P-Tn has been providing aerial photographs to clients for decades. Fixed-wing airplanes, helicopters, and now UAS-Drone Aerial Systems. We even operated our own helium blimp at one point. Regardless, we offer a unique service that delivers AERIAL documentation of construction projects at very economical rates. Our P-Tn360 UAS PANORAMAS show everything on the ground ... clearing & site grading, active construction, material ... Read More about ENTRY LEVEL AERIAL PROGRESS REPORTING
Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables
With all the Visual Documentation work we do, we don't spend enough time introducing iPlanTables! P-Tn is Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables Wide-format 4K Interactive Touchscreen Workstations, and we're seeing steady growing popularity of these systems for plan review and electronic document management. The basic concept of working with electronic plan sheets at full-scale is simple and PROVEN, to be an enormous cost-saver, as well as a way to reduce fatigue and increase efficiency. FIRE ... Read More about Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables
I'm clearly NOT flying a UAS-Drone in this photo! P-Tn has been providing aerial photographs to clients for decades. Our most recent aerial efforts include our UAS-Drone Aerial Imaging services, which are expanding at a rapid pace. However, utilizing a fixed-wing airplane [or a helicopter] is always an option - a platform we've worked in since the 70's. In situations where our FAA Certified pilots cannot provide the solution you need from low-altitude drones, helicopters are ideal for the ... Read More about AERIALS ARE PART OF OUR HISTORY
Were we ahead of our time by initiating our construction webcam service in the late-1990s? WHAT ARE CONSTRUCTION MONITORING WEBCAMS? What you want is simply to see what's happening on your job site. Our ProgressWEBCAMS capture and deliver periodic images throughout the workday to an online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE, providing easy access to the latest view(s) of site activity; all you need is your cell phone or Wi-Fi access for viewing. When you need to review conditions from a previous date, ... Read More about P-Tn ProgressWEBCAM HISTORY
P-Tn I-N-T-E-R-I-O-R ProgressWEBCAM Free DEMO
We've been installing and hosting our ProgressWEBCAM Site Monitoring Systems since the late 1990's. WATCH our FIRST! ... and now ... WATCH one of our FINEST! NOW, we're making strides in the use of these units for INTERIOR viewing. WATCH our LATEST! Once your building is basically enclosed, you are blind to what's going on inside ... progress, material storage, general safety and cleaning ... all of that is out of sight. AND, our popular Time-lapse ProgressCAMovies of the exterior build ... Read More about P-Tn I-N-T-E-R-I-O-R ProgressWEBCAM Free DEMO
This P-Tn Time-Lapse was a long time in the making. The Kansas City ZOO Sobela Ocean Aquarium project got underway back in 2021, and celebrated its Grand Opening this September! P-Tn installed a ProgressWEBCAM Site Monitoring System shortly after site clearing, when grading and excavation work was underway. We’ve been patiently monitoring construction site activities throughout the build, capturing daily images and editing a P-Tn Time-Lapse Video of the entire build. The end result yields an ... Read More about KC ZOO AQUATICS
And another ProgressWEBCAM Project Time-Lapse has just come through our editing department. This is nearly a one-year construction period on a new branch bank for United Missouri Bank – at I-435 and State Line. General Contractor, David E. Ross Construction, has been a P-Tn client for many years … this was our first ProgressWEBCAM installation for them. Have a look at this build, compressed to about two minutes! View our UMB BANK Time-Lapse. The final image is simply a ‘dressed-up’ webcam ... Read More about UMB BANK BRANCH TIME-LAPSE