DIGITAL Services

DIGITAL is our chosen method for both capture and delivery of PHOTO & VIDEO imaging.
We transitioned away from conventional film photography years ago, adopting a digital approach long before most of the construction industry did so. In that process we developed a unique method for delivery of our documentation photographs and videos. In the nearly two decades since, we have refined that initial approach into what has become our current LINKINGapp All-Digital Delivery System. It is now our standard, and continues to grow in popularity among our construction, engineering, municipal, and other AEC clients. Whether we create digital imagery using still cameras, audio-video recording, webcams, or drones, documentation work will likely be produced with our LINKINGapp, and creative marketing photography & edited videos will be digitally finished for our clients.
NO MORE FILM at P-Tn! – we provide higher quality professional images using modern digital technology.
We have moved on from traditional film capture techniques, and are now working completely in all-digital technology for both capture and delivery of imagery, whether it be photo or video.
Our LINKINGapp is the heart of this system, providing a no-paper approach to delivery, and ease in viewing your documentation images. By linking your photos & videos directly to project plan sheets, this digital delivery aspect to our services may be the most beneficial of all. Everything arrives on a labeled USB Thumb drive, or you download a single folder thru our online Client Access Portal. Open files to view your original sheets, with arrows showing photo locations, or highlighted lines showing the path of video footage. Click on either and your photos display, or video begins to play. Documentation is readily available, easy to find, simple to view and share.
Project Closeout becomes an impressive submittal when owner training session video recordings are delivered the same way, making them easily accessible to future facility personnel. Include other closeout documents for retrieval, too, such as equipment owners manuals, warranties, inspection reports, and more. The LINKINGapp Landing Page displays each video or document in a gallery, and viewing is as simple as clicking a button.
We employ a similar technique when reporting residential or commercial structure INSPECTIONS. Properties adjacent to construction zones for certain pipeline & infrastructure projects, such as storm or sanitary sewers and bridge or street improvements are subject to a thorough visual examination. Inspection of both the exterior of the building structure or home, and (more importantly) the interior basement and upper floors is made while taking ample photographs (or using video recording) to find & document visible cracks, settlement, deterioration, poor maintenance, broken windows, etc. Although we do not bring certified engineering credentials to the table, we do bring professional photo & video production expertise, and years of experience. We utilize our LINKINGapp image-to-plan approach for delivery, substituting a written report for the plan sheets as verification of the street address and room or space shown in the photos.
M-E-P In-WALL or As-BUILT service, which records all Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing systems inside walls and ceilings prior to demolition or before drywall enclosure or concrete encasement, is a uniquely digital method for creating a permanent archive that records the entire heart of your structure for your facility management team.
Our WEBCAM Services are digital systems from end-to-end. Site monitoring webcams for construction management or security are all accessible online, to the entire project team. Cell phone access is available, with alerts and notifications of site activity. Most of our systems include wireless broadband, and our solar trailers provide power in any location without the need for an electrical drop. See daily site photos in an online archive, share via email, and receive an edited time-lapse video of construction when your work is complete.
Our creative photography and audio-video footage is also captured digitally. We handle post-production preparation of digital image files and professionally edited stand-alone videos for marketing on the web and in social media. Proofing is shared online, and reproduction-ready HI-RES digital files are delivered via USB or direct download.
A team of FAA Certified Pilots and a small fleet of drones capture Hi-RES photo and 4K video imagery of virtually any subject matter. All operated digitally.
WEBSITE development and maintenance is our contribution to bringing digital imagery online for businesses to share. We refresh outdated sites, build new ones, improve text & content, and bring new photo and videos online. Digital website and social media marketing is the current foundation for business promotions and advertising, and we assist our clients in their efforts to establish and maintain an online presence.
iPlanTables Interactive Wide-format Workstations may be the ultimate example of the world’s conversion to all things digital. For those who have already done so, or are in the process of converting to a paperless business environment, iPlantables play a pivotal role in consolidating boxes and rooms full of paper into one or more iPlanTables. The BIG advantage is that plans and large documents are viewed and marked-up at full-scale. This is the ideal approach for any AEC Industry business, and growing in popularity for City Planners, Plan Reviewers, Fire Marshall Code Review … virtually anyone who manages volumes of electronic documents. Let P-Tn schedule a 30-minute webinar to answer all your iPlanTables questions.
Click CONTACT here or in the navigation bar above to send us a personal inquiry about any of our P-Tn Visual Documentation services. We’ll follow-up right away!