Visual Documentation Services Gallery

We are a team of experienced professional photographers representing a 50+ year history in commercial photography, with nearly 100 years of combined photographic expertise … so we are all about taking photographs – lots of them!
SCROLL DOWN or view our Online PORTFOLIO to learn more about What We Do!
Over the years our Visual Documentation has grown in volume and diversified in scope, but those services have retained three fundamentals; PHOTO, DIGITAL, & VIDEO.
PHOTO defines our use of traditional photography, or still image capture, which we utilize in many of our services. Pre and post-construction documentation offers protection for our AEC (Architecture / Engineering / Construction) clients. Structure inspections offer protection to property owners. Progress photos are an important basic aspect of ongoing construction documentation, and we also provide 360-degree interactive panoramas. All of our clients are in need of marketing, website, & social media photos. P-Tn photography is captured from ground-level on location or through drone aerial photography by our FAA Certified pilots.
Make no mistake … video (instead of photos) is an option in all of these situations, and we photograph all kinds of subject matter – from people to equipment to buildings, especially when marketing is the goal.
Our photos are not just construction related.
DIGITAL is our chosen method for both capture and delivery of PHOTO & VIDEO imaging.
We transitioned away from conventional film photography years ago, adopting a digital approach long before most of the construction industry did so. In that process we developed a unique method for delivery of our documentation photographs and videos. In the nearly two decades since, we have refined that initial approach into what has become our current LINKINGapp All-Digital Delivery System. It is now our standard, and continues to grow in popularity among our construction, engineering, municipal, and other AEC clients. Whether we create digital imagery using still cameras, audio-video recording, webcams, or drones, documentation work will likely be produced with our LINKINGapp, and creative marketing photography & edited videos will be digitally finished for our clients.
VIDEO simply puts images in motion. Still photo documentation takes on a new perspective when the information is captured on video, providing more value by delivering far more information for-the-dollar than other approaches. Often, both photos & video are used together. Our video services have evolved far beyond our pre and post-construction records, like our vehicle-mounted system for recording haul route conditions prior to construction, webcam site monitoring and Time-lapse recordings, or quality owner training videos.
We capture aerial video for both documentation & marketing using our drone fleet and team of FAA Certified Pilots. Video opens the door to creative recording and skilled editing of that imagery for promotional use, including project stories, interviews, company bios and introductions, plus features for social media and posting on websites.
P-Tn has provided aerial photography services to clients for over four decades, using airplanes, helicopters, even helium blimps! Now we are focused on the use of . . . DRONES!
Yes, We DRONE! . . . Yes, We DRONE! . . . Yes, We DRONE! . . . and, YES, We DRONE!
Aerial imaging using drones – Unmanned Aerial Systems [UAS] is now a proven technology and a solid part of our service lineup. Our team of FAA Certified Pilots employ drones for both still-frame photo capture and HI-DEF or 4K Drone Aerial video footage for construction progress photos & videos, 360 interactive aerial panoramas, 2D mapping, 3D modeling, elevation & vegetation health evaluation, inspections, plus creative marketing footage for professionally edited video features.
P-Tn installed its first ProgressWEBCAM in the 1990’s. HAVE A LOOK!
We continue to offer this valuable site-monitoring tool, now in 1080 & 720-dpi resolution, with browser-based viewing, wireless broadband, Pan-Tilt-Zoom controls, multi-view image archiving, plus professional quality edited time-lapse videos of construction.
Our fleet of solar trailers [small-footprint trailer, solar powered, with 20-foot mounting mast & wireless broadband] help us deploy units at local and out-of-state projects, or we will design and complete a custom installation at your location. Our P-Tn Online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE stores an archive of daily project pics, plus LIVE VIEW of site activities, for the project team, and we offer options for security alerts right to your phone. The creation of a professionally edited, marketing-quality, time-lapse video of complete construction builds or unique fabrication processes will be a valuable deliverable to the owner at closeout.
Our P-Tn ProgressWEBCAM Site Monitoring Systems are often deployed using our Solar Trailer Units, providing a rapid and convenient approach for delivery & set-up at your local or out-of-state construction or development site. These small-footprint trailers are solar powered, ready for mounting our webcams at virtually any location on any site that demands remote monitoring. Repositioning on the same site, or transport to another site, are convenient options. Our P-Tn ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE gives you online access to archived daily site photos and more, including a time-lapse video. Wireless broadband and our custom programming provide 24/7-365 viewing of your lighted site. Options for LED floodlights, infrared viewing at night, motion detection, and activity alerts sent directly to your phone for evaluation and action are available on select units.
At P-Tn, we do far more than capture images (PICS) with our ProgressWEBCAMS.
We edit! We’ll select the ‘best’ images to tell your story, remove the ‘outtakes’ from rain days, stabilize the final selection of images, and polish off the video with titles, your company logo, plus background music. In the end, you receive a professional video that you will want to share with your team, the owner, and prospective new customers.
P-Tn ProgressWEBCAM Systems – whether custom installed at your site or mounted on our Solar Trailer Unit at your location – provide your team with online access to daily captured images, LIVE VIEW of site activities, or 24-7 monitoring with phone alerts … but the Time-Lapse we create will give the new building owner an impressive video of the entire build that they can share with their associates. It will also be a valuable tool in marketing your own capabilities to prospective clients, on social media or your website.
READ MORE… and see more P-Tn Time-Lapse VIDEOS!
The basis of virtually all of our Visual Documentation is some sort of inspection.
We do the legwork for our clients in the field.
For 50 years, we have walked many projects for our clients – construction sites, parking lots, sidewalks, streets & pipeline routes, neighborhoods, farm fields, city streets, industrial parks – even runways. We document the overall sites and construction zones, then look for existing damage, record the details, describe the conditions, and provide our clients with easy-to-access photos and/or videos showing those conditions from ground level, and sometimes from above, using a drone. We share that information through our user-friendly P-Tn LINKINGapp, an all-digital deliverable that facilitates finding, retrieval, viewing, and sharing of that valuable information, whenever you need it.
Detailed structure inspections (inside & out) are now often required in specifications.
These are properties adjacent to utility projects in both residential and industrial areas, such as construction of sanitary sewers, storm drainage sewer lines and reservoirs, airport taxiway and runway improvements, or even street improvements. Once again, we are there to contact property owners, schedule appointments, meet residents and tour their homes or businesses, searching for existing issues that may come into question, and recording any damage for future reference & evaluation. This process protects all parties by delivering the facts on pre-existing conditions, should a dispute arise during or after construction, or for use as a visual aid in the restoration process.

This video illustrates our LINKINGapp as a closeout deliverable for OWNER TRAINING.
Video recordings by P-Tn of presentations by manufacturers’ reps at Mechanical System Owner Training Sessions are made available for quick access & easy playback; a valuable asset for the Owner’s Facility Management personnel that will be used for years to come. We take the headache out of this important aspect of your closeout, leaving you with the basic scheduling of sessions and presenters. If you wish, we can add your pdf-format operations manuals, warranties, final inspection reports, and other key equipment documents. Let us know what you’d like included in your LINKINGapp closeout, and we’ll make it happen.
Learn how economical having P-Tn handle this scope of work for you might be. The cost of professionally produced, quality video & audio recording is far less than you think.
“Marketing” means different things to different businesses.
Our AEC clients, most of whom are Architects, Engineers, & Contractors, are often in need of interior or exterior views of completed projects – this is where our marketing photography is focused. Consider the value of professional photographs of your projects; just a few well thought out and composed photos [A FEW GOOD PICS!] will provide high-quality website and social media content that will attract attention.
Don’t think only in terms of finished buildings.
Executive portraits or headshots of your office personnel and staff are important for marketing, and so are photos of field crews in action, as well as your equipment fleet, manufacturing facility, specialized processes & techniques, plus exterior & interior ground photos (or perhaps a time-lapse video) of those unique or high-profile building or process plant projects you’re working on, or have completed in recent years.
… or raise your expectations with DRONE AERIAL IMAGING.
Let’s not forget that marketing photos can also be captured from the air. Our drones & professional pilots compose for the best angles and most dramatic views of finished projects or developments. Drone Aerial Imaging delivers still photos for wall display, framing, or in-office flat-screen displays … and drones capture dramatic video footage that P-Tn will professionally edit for website posting or uploading to social media.
The images we create are presented online for your review & selection.
Those you choose are professionally finished and released as reproduction-ready HI-RES digital files, or we’ll print them on canvas, metal, or as conventional framed color enlargements for wall-display, to decorate your offices and for gifting to valued clients.
There are several options for Wall Displays, including canvas and metal prints!

Although we deliver creative photography for wall display prints and framing, the digital files we create for our clients are primarily shared online through website content or social media posts. For that reason, we offer website design and maintenance services to insure a quality online environment to share those photographs … and the videos we edit for you, as well.
P-Tn will create content for your online displays, and we’ll even create those online platforms for you.
Today, absence from the internet is problematic. However, establishing a presence online may be far less expensive than you think. We can use your photos or produce new marketing material for you, including edited videos, drone aerials, access to a site-monitoring webcam, or a time-lapse video. Once you are represented online, we’ll help you maintain that exposure by monitoring your site for functionality, addressing issues if they arise, and creating new content to keep the site fresh and relevant to your customers and prospects. We will help with SEO and search results, too.
Perhaps you need an assist with setting-up and maintaining a program for social media posting.
We recently completed a complete rebuild of the L.G. Barcus & Sons website at Working with the great people in the Barcus’ KCK office, we delivered a fresh look & feel, by updating to a new layout, replacing outdated text, improving navigation & functionality, enhancing existing content and providing new photos & video. We updated SEO & Meta Descriptions, plus analytics to measure improved site activity going forward.
We completed a similar project for the popular site, which promotes and manages registration for a series of Building Science Symposiums across the country. Currently, the site manages information for four annual events, with capabilities to expand to more, when needed.
Allow us to help you establish an active presence on the web, or revitalize your existing website … and keep it functioning properly – working for you for years to come.
iPlanTabels Workstations & The Spool Machine
P-Tn is your CONNECTION to iPlanTables Wide-format Interactive Touchscreen Workstations.
iPlanTables are far more than a large screen TV connected to your computer. Let’s resolve your curiosity by inviting you to schedule a 30-minute WEBINAR with our iPlanTables expert. All your questions will be answered and if P-Tn schedules your webinar, we will thank you with a $100 CASH ‘Shavings’ off the price of your initial iPlanTables order! Entry-level models are priced at $5500 to $7500, and RENT-to-OWN options begin at less than $250/month.
What could be more convenient or more economical?
OK, so what’s The SPOOL Machine all about? Here is another opportunity we provide for manufacture-direct pricing … to our clients in electrical/construction. An economical wire RE-spooler unit that saves both time and money by respooling bulk and partial rolls of all types of electrical wire. READ MORE about The SPOOL Machine …