Logo for P-Tn Visual Documentation photo digital video commercial photography in Kansas City Metro area. P-Tn privacy policies and procedures.


We’ve completed our 50th year [that’s right – a half century] in business!  Thank you!

Read some of our P-Tn HISTORY, then take some time to visit our SERVICES PAGE – see what we’ve been doing for five decades, and learn how we might bring the value of our PHOTO / VIDEO Visual Documentation Services to you & your business!

It was way, way back in 1973 that a young man fresh out of high school, moved back to his hometown of Kansas City, from the ‘frozen tundra’ of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  His goal was to start a retail camera store in the metro, and a commercial photography studio was established to help with income in the interim.  The camera shop closed several years later, but the commercial photography business continues to this day … and it’s become much more than a construction progress photo company.

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