50 Years of P-Tn History
A half century can sneak up on a person when they are focused on doing their best day after day, concentrating on just getting the job done. Well, it snuck up on me – didn’t even see it coming until about the 45th year in business. Now I look back and see where we (not just “me”) have come in growing P-Tn [originally named Photo-Technique]. Running my own commercial photography business evolved from an idea in high school, thru the process of developing a family operation that consisted of just me and my wife Kathleen, to the business it is today – a diversified photo / video imaging company with a long list of satisfied clients, and an impressive selection of Visual Documentation services. P-Tn is now managed by two of our sons, Travis & Tim, who keep it going – and growing – and will eventually become the next generation of family members who own it.
Thank you for letting me share a bit of photographic history, as I share some of my personal history at P-Tn. Enjoy.
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STEPPING INTO PHOTOGRAPHY My experience of walking down the interior emergency-exit stairway in the south leg of the St. Louis Gateway Arch (a descent of 630 feet from the newly joined keystone at the top), is still a strong memory from one of many job site visits my brother and I made to the landmark with my father, while it was under construction. Remembering that day inside the Arch probably has more impact now than it did when I was actually experiencing it as a teenager. A series of visits to the studio & darkroom of Mr. Robert Arteaga and his two sons (the official Gateway Arch photographers) was the next step … after years of watching dad take our family photos … and those visits propelled me and my first 35mm camera along a course in photography that eventually put me where I am today. Truth be told, “a simple and inexpensive hobby” was

Were we ahead of our time by initiating our construction webcam service in the late-1990s? WHAT ARE CONSTRUCTION MONITORING WEBCAMS? What you want is simply to see what’s happening on your job site. Our ProgressWEBCAMS capture and deliver periodic images throughout the workday to an online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE, providing easy access to the latest view(s) of site activity; all you need is your cell phone or Wi-Fi access for viewing. When you need to review conditions from a previous date, simply scroll back through the archive and look through the images. If you’re signed up for security monitoring options, you can access a live view anytime, or receive an alert if motion is detected at a time when there should be NO site activity. We determine the best installation options, assemble and program the hardware, mount it (or bring it to you on our small-footprint solar-powered trailer), monitor the system,

STEPPING INTO PHOTOGRAPHY My experience of walking down the interior emergency-exit stairway in the south leg of the St. Louis Gateway Arch (a descent of

Were we ahead of our time by initiating our construction webcam service in the late-1990s? WHAT ARE CONSTRUCTION MONITORING WEBCAMS? What you want is simply
Watch us finish our Operations Office, and see what we do in-the-field!