could be man recording a presentation of someone explaining how the HVAC system works | P-Tn


You must view our unique LINKINGapp deliverable for P-Tn OWNER TRAINING SESSION Recordings! 

We use our unique LINKINGapp approach for delivering videos of Mechanical System Owner Training Sessions, which makes for a quality deliverable to close out any project – something that will be valuable and useful to the Owner’s Facility Management personnel for many years to come. 

A cell phone is NOT the method of choice to record Owner Training Demonstrations.  You may be pleasantly surprised to learn the cost of having P-Tn handle this scope of work for you – professional quality video and AUDIO, too – is far less than you think.  We take the headache out of this important aspect of your closeouts, leaving you with just the scheduling of sessions and presenters.  If you wish, we can add your PDF Operations Manuals, warranties, final inspection reports and other key equipment documents.  Let us know what you’d like included, and we’ll make it happen.   

It is challenging to schedule those Owner Training Demonstrations with subs and equipment suppliers on any project; the larger the project, the more complex that process becomes.  Adding the time and expertise required to record those sessions in often noisy and cramped locations, or on a roof, can make creating a useful deliverable nearly impossible sometimes.  Hand it off to P-Tn after you do the scheduling.   We’ll take it from there … shoot the presentation, ensure good audio and proper exposure, cover the Q&A if needed, then edit the imagery, label it up, and link it all into a single LANDING PAGE for access to all those videos (and more documents, if you need).  A set of thumb-drives lands on your desk and you hand it off to the Owner – you’re done.  And with a quality Owner Training Closeout in the hands of the Facility Management Personnel, you may discover that unnecessary follow-up calls to YOU may fade away. 

At the end of your project, present the new Owner with an impressive, useful, electronic Owner Training closeout.