WEBCAM Services

P-Tn installed its first ProgressWEBCAM in the 1990’s. HAVE A LOOK!
We continue to offer this valuable site-monitoring tool, now in 1080 & 720-dpi resolution, with browser-based viewing, wireless broadband, Pan-Tilt-Zoom controls, multi-view image archiving, plus professional quality edited time-lapse videos of construction.
Our fleet of solar trailers [small-footprint trailer, solar powered, with 20-foot mounting mast & wireless broadband] help us deploy units at local and out-of-state projects, or we will design and complete a custom installation at your location. Our P-Tn Online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE stores an archive of daily project pics, plus LIVE VIEW of site activities, for the project team, and we offer options for security alerts right to your phone. The creation of a professionally edited, marketing-quality, time-lapse video of complete construction builds or unique fabrication processes is a valuable final deliverable.
P-Tn installed that first ProgressWEBCAM in the 1990’s to record time-lapse of construction at an office building site for DiCarlo General Contractors, near the South Creek Office Park development in Overland Park. Watch the Time-lapse VIDEO we created from that project. Of course, this technology has advanced exponentially since that first unit.
We continue to provide this valuable site-monitoring tool, now in 1080 and 720-dpi resolution, with browser-based viewing, wireless broadband connections, Pan-Tilt-Zoom user controls, multi-view image archiving, and marketing-quality professionally edited time-lapse videos of construction, that now look like THIS ONE! Our ProgressWEBCAM Site Monitoring Systems offer a unique and effective system for viewing activities on construction or real estate development projects – both local & remote.
Through our P-Tn customized Online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE, our clients see the latest views of the project site, access images (PICS) captured throughout each work day from a calendar archive, with options for sharing & analysis of those archived PICS, see local weather conditions, link to a Google Map showing the site location, send email communications, and more. Watch the Time-lapse video grow as the project progresses. A LIVE VIEW connection to your computer or phone is available, with security monitoring options on most models.
That edited Time-Lapse Video of the build is updated periodically during construction as we create a marketing-quality version after project completion. Compressing weeks, months, or even years of construction into seconds or minutes is an effective way to catch the attention of prospective new customers when sharing your success stories. Our professional editing eliminates bad weather and poor lighting shots, smooths & stabilizes the assembled images, includes project titling, project team credits or logos, and background music. Share your Time-lapse online through your website, on all your social media posting platforms … or on flat screens at the office, in the conference room, and at tradeshows presentations.
Security-monitoring options have been requested by our clients in recent years, because ProgressWEBCAMS have traditionally performed a more archive-storage based function. Now, however, P-Tn brings motion-detecting infrared monitoring options to our clients, with alerts sent directly to your phone as soon as activity occurs. These units still support LIVE VIEW access to the super wide camera overviews, or with the optional Pan-Tilt-Zoom functions. We use webcams with super-wide viewing (+/- 100 degrees) capabilities. Limited infrared lighting is available, so 24/7 monitoring can often be achieved. Motion detection will activate a lighted strobe at the camera, along with LED flood lights on the viewing area, and an optional sound-alarm so an intruder will know they have been detected. An alert will be sent to your phone or computer, so you can evaluate the activity yourself. And you will have the capability of accessing the webcam in LIVE VIEW, to see site activities at any time.
We will promptly deliver a turn-key unit to your site by deploying one of our Solar Trailer Units [a small-footprint trailer using solar power and wireless broadband, equipped with a 20-foot mounting mast]. Instead, we can design and install a custom installation at your location by installing a mounting pole or utilizing existing structures & other mounting options.
We offer design, installation, start-up, hosting, and monitoring of our ProgressWEBCAM systems, with turnkey options for client-mountable units, or trailers outfitted with masts and solar power. P-Tn has deployed units locally throughout the Kansas City Metro, and at remote locations throughout the Midwest … servicing project sites in Louisiana, South Dakota, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Texas, Kentucky, Arkansas and more.
FREE ON-SITE DEMO is available. Let us connect you to one of your own projects by deploying our in-the-field DEMO ProgressWEBCAM Solar Trailer when it is available, and you can have the opportunity to experience these features yourself. If you are seriously considering the benefits of our webcam solar trailer system, we’ll arrange to place a DEMO unit on YOUR local (Kansas City Metro) job site for a week or ten days. Our demo program is limited to availability, but don’t hesitate to call and discuss this opportunity. We offer both our compact/quick-mount AC powered units and our solar trailer units short-term demonstrations. Both use wireless broadband. The compact/quick-mount unit needs only a high quality extension cord at the mounting location. The trailer unit is solar powered of course, so no need for electrical connections on that demo! Just place in a sunny location.
Short & long-term leasing options are available, or sales with maintenance. Just give us a call!
Click CONTACT here or in the navigation bar above to send a personal inquiry about any P-Tn Visual Documentation services. We’ll follow-up right away