VIDEO Services

VIDEO simply puts images in motion.
Still photo documentation takes on a new perspective when the information is captured on video, providing more value by delivering far more information for-the-dollar than other approaches. Often, both are used together. Our video services have evolved far beyond our pre and post-construction records, like our vehicle-mounted system for recording haul route conditions prior to construction, webcam site monitoring and Time-lapse recordings, or quality owner training videos.
We capture aerial video for both documentation & marketing using our drone fleet and team of FAA Certified Pilots. Video opens the door to creative recording and skilled editing of that imagery for promotional use, including project stories, interviews, company bios and introductions, plus features for social media and posting on websites.
We began offering our VIDEO services as an alternative to photo documentation, but now many of our clients prefer video documentation, rather than photos. Over the last twenty years, however, video has grown to become a valuable compliment to photos, as more engineers and contractors ask us to employ BOTH media, to improve the volume & quality of the final documentation record.
Nearly all of our PHOTO services are available using VIDEO recording equipment, and often both are employed to improve the volume & quality of the final documentation record. Whether we create still photos or video footage, on the ground or with drones, DIGITAL is the preferred format for delivery of the Visual Documentation services we provide.
Learn about our LINKINGapp All-Digital Delivery System!
As with photos, any number of situations call for VIDEO, including those below. Often video services are a project specification requirement (and we may have written those specs). Contact us for an estimate or formal bid on any upcoming construction project.
PRE-Construction VIDEO documentation along construction routes for engineering projects, such as water mains, storm or sanitary sewer pipelines, pipeline manhole repairs or replacements, new roadway construction, street resurfacing projects, sidewalk & curb improvements … bridges & streetscapes, or building site developments for new construction. Documentation of current field conditions, especially pre-existing damage, protects all parties in the event of disputes or questions relating to restoration details.
PRE-Demolition VIDEO documentation, if not included in the above record, is an important follow-up to insure that adjacent improvements are shown before beginning work that might affect the surroundings.
Don’t forget to have P-Tn document the HAUL ROUTES to and from your project site. Our unique Vehicle-mount Video unit permits us to quickly & economically record the surface conditions along miles of construction site access routes that your heavy equipment may use – don’t get blamed for bad roads that you did NOT damage.
POST-Construction VIDEO documentation of the final site conditions on any of the above project types will insure an accurate record that work was completed properly, restoration of adjacent areas was finished, and conditions for final approval are stored in an official record.
We also produce professional quality videos of Owner Training Sessions on mechanical systems in new-building construction. These on-site recordings, with quality audio, delivered on our LINKINGapp, give the owner an invaluable tool for facilities management and future personnel training. The fastest-growing and most recent addition to our video services line-up involves drone aerial Imaging.
Construction progress may be recorded on video, with audio narration, using a regularly scheduled timetable to show the progression of jobsite activities and the status of completed trades at specified project milestones. Ground-level exterior footage, plus additional interior coverage when appropriate, create a record of all facets of the construction process.
Aerial construction progress is accomplished using drones flown by our team of FAA Certified Pilots, delivering a birds-eye view of the entire project, plus detailed photographs of areas where site work activities are concentrated. Our drone flight Aerial Progress Report Videos typically include a series of still photos, plus additional video footage, professionally edited for project team updates and sharing.
Our INSPECTIONS and MARKETING Services incorporate additional specialized photography techniques. Structure inspections are performed prior to nearby construction activities, to secure a detailed report showing existing damage and conditions of property – both outside and interior. Marketing photographs may include any subject matter … from construction activities, manufacturing processes and facilities, architectural exterior & interior compositions, staff headshots or executive portraits … and either ground level or aerial views.
Additional specialized videography techniques are part of our marketing Services, including 4K Drone Aerial Imagery. Our professional editors will create a unique and eye-catching marketing or promotional video for websites and social media posting.
Click CONTACT here or in the navigation bar above to send us a personal inquiry about our P-Tn Visual Documentation services. We’ll follow-up right away!