MARKETING Photography & Videos
“Marketing” means different things to different businesses.
Our AEC clients, most of whom are Architects, Engineers, & Contractors, are often in need of interior or exterior views of completed projects – this is where our marketing photography is focused. Consider the value of professional photographs of your projects; just A FEW GOOD PICS! will provide high quality website and social media content that will attract attention.
Don’t think only in terms of finished buildings.
Executive portraits or headshots of your office personnel and staff are important for marketing, and so are photos of field crews in action, as well as your equipment fleet, manufacturing facility, specialized processes & techniques, plus exterior and interior ground photos of those unique or high-profile building or process plant project you’re working on, or have completed in recent years.
… or raise your expectations with DRONE AERIAL IMAGING.
Let’s not forget that marketing photos can be captured from the air. Our drones and professional pilots compose for the best angles and most dramatic views of finished projects or developments. Drone 4K Aerial Imaging delivers still photos for wall display, framing, or in-office flat-screen displays … and drones capture dramatic video footage that P-Tn will professionally edit for website posting or uploading to social media.
The images we create are presented online for your review & selection.
Those you choose are then professionally finished and released as reproduction-ready HI-RES digital files, or we’ll print them on canvas, metal, or as conventional framed color enlargements for wall-display, to decorate your office and for gifting to valued clients. There are several options for Wall Displays, including canvas and metal prints!
Every building has a story – at least one! And many buildings have several stories.
Of course, I’m referring to the ‘story’ about building your building, not the number of floors . . . and these stories are are all worth telling. Sharing those stories will likely help bring you an opportunity to building the next one. P-Tn can deliver that story in photos and video, so you can post about your success on social media, to your web site, at meetings & tradeshows, on the walls in your offices & the flat screen in the lobby, or through email and other communications. Here’s one BUILDING STORY for you to watch, featuring the Medical Office Building at 44th&Broadway, on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, renovated by David E. Ross Construction.
A little pre-planning is really about all that’s needed; we’ll handle the rest. Pre-Construction documentation of the site sets the stage. Thereafter, construction progress – whether recorded from the ground or thru drone aerial flights – will show the milestones of project site development … then structures, and finally – landscaping. LOOK HERE! Once enclosed, interior views will record the progress you can’t see from the exterior overviews. Drone flights or a video walkthru i-n-s-i-d-e the structure will bring an added dynamic to project reporting. Once complete, P-Tn will professionally edit all of the photos and videos into a single presentation with your company logo, background music, job titles, and other promo information, delivering a quality marketing video that’s ready for social media & online posting. Share the unique work you do [such as elevated railroad bridge repair], or your success stories, with clients and future prospects.
An extensive final photographic record may document finished conditions of any completed project, just prior to closeout or owner occupancy. This important final record of construction does not provide marketing-quality photographic images for use on your website & social media, or as WALL DISPLAY color enlargements for the office walls, or on the lobby flat screen.
Marketing photography of a given project – whatever the type of building or activity – should involve more deliberation in selecting subject matter and specific compositions to be captured. Determine which the best views, spaces, and detailed features to showcase your work on this particular achievement. Concentrate on those aspects of the project, and we’ll capture the best angles and the best lighting to illustrate these scenes. Leave the technical details to us, and we’ll come away with the most effective images to tell your building’s “stories”.
We will share those images through an Online PROOFING WebGALLERY, for your review, and to share with your associates. You may now concentrate on selecting the ‘best of the best’ images to tell your story. Selected images will be professionally finished for reproduction or display quality, or printing & framing. Digital files will be released in formats ready for immediate sue, and for permanent storage in your computer archives.
Let’s not focus entirely on still frame photography to tell these stories. Especially with the option of aerial imaging by our FAA certified Drone Pilots, we can offer video to the story telling. Both still and video footage can be added to the process, and both can be combined into a single video for marketing & promotional use.
Here is an example of what we call a “Video Marketing Short”. We’re creating more and more of these unique presentations for our clients – after producing many such videos that concentrate on imagery from our creative UAS-Drone flights. Video has become very popular with all businesses that want to make an impression, and want to do so in a matter of a minute or two. Motion – alone – has the potential to attract far greater attention than a single, still photo.
Much of our work is field or “location” shooting on active construction projects and other process or fabricating sites. We combine both still photography and videography (with audio) to showcase your team. We capture people at work and equipment in operation, with narration or supporting interviews from key office or design personnel. All these components are edited together to tell a story … about your firm, your key employees, your unique skills or processes, or your unique & special project successes. We’ll plan, we’ll shoot, we’ll edit, and we’ll deliver a ready-to-post video that shares your accomplishments, and will help you find new prospects.
There’s more to editing than just putting some footage together in order. Keep that thought in mind. We often include still photographs in video edits, even giving them a sense of motion. Those photos can (if the quality is good) be photographs from your files and archives, or your own field personnel. Video footage can be from other sources, too.
Have a look at this example of a PROMOTIONAL VIDEO; Rockwool Residential Insulation.
We have more of these ‘SHORTS’ to share, and we’ll add links to new ones from time to time, so watch for new posts or content. If you have a story you’d like to tell, and everyone does, give us a call and let’s discuss your idea.
We are pleased to have played a part in the online marketing efforts of many clients over the years. Ask yourself if YOUR website is displaying imagery [photographic or video … interior/exterior/aerial] of your success stories.
We didn’t mention the option of substituting (or adding) a P-Tn ProgressWEBCAM Site Monitoring Unit to record the entire build, from grading to landscape. We will create a Time-lapse video of your project that is marketing quality and ready to post, like THIS ONE! That’s in addition to the benefits of LIVE VIEW access to site activities, an archive of daily image captures, and more. We can also install an i-n-t-e-r-i-o-r ProgressWEBCAM to follow and record completion from an inside perspective, such as this LOBBY AREA, after the main structure has been enclosed.
There’s also a security aspect to having our ProgressWEBCAM System on your site, which can be a valuable option to consider.
Click CONTACT here or in the navigation bar above to send us an inquiry about any P-Tn Visual Documentation services.
We’ll follow-up right away!