Man uses miter saw with sparks flying with large banner that says P-Tn | P-Tn


No, we don’t do any baking, but we DO get hands-on with what we do.  That ranges from taking our photographs, and recording our own videos, to performing our own computer processing of those images, to video editing, to flying our drones, and … sometimes, like this photo shows … building our own hardware components, repairing our small fleet of ProgressWEBCAM trailers, and preparing for custom installations of those systems on our clients’ building sites.  Once we build it or create, we have a vested interest in insuring that our work delivers for our clients, – as promised.

That’s not really a big deal.  Lots of our clients are far more hands-on than we are; they build buildings and bridges, and process plants, for goodness sake!  However, we work hard to build relationships by actually talking to our customers . . . about what you need, when you need it documented, and when you need it delivered.  We discuss the work before we start, communicate during the work as needed, and follow-thru on delivery.  Not everyone does that these days.  We’re working hard to keep our valued customers, just as we have for about a half century now, and we’ll keep doing the same for a long, long time to come.  We’d like to add you to our list of clients – call or email us through our Contact Page if we can help.

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