wire spooler machine | P-Tn

The SPOOL Machine

1.)  What is a SPOOL MACHINE, anyway?   View VIDEO!   …and this NEW VIDEO Clip!
… and
2.) what does it have to do with photography?

1.)  It’s a motorized piece of equipment that permits RE-spooling of all types of electrical (and other) wire from BULK rolls to job-sized SPOOLS.  Obviously, you gain big savings on wire purchasing.  (BROCHURE)
2.)  Well … NOTHING,  frankly.  We have a business relationship with the manufacturer, who also produces some of our ProgressWEBCAM & SecurityWEBCAM system hardware components.

Considering our connection to clients like you, professionals in the construction industry, we are helping introduce this item to Kansas City and the Midwest.  The price point is very attractive [under $5K for the SPOOL Machine – add $800 for the optional free-standing measuring unit] and both are small, user-friendly, and well-built.  For big shops with a never-ending need for respooling, OR for smaller contractors who would profit from bulk-wire pricing and respooling, this is worth knowing about.

TAKE A LOOK at this VIDEO and GIVE P-Tn a CALL.  We’ll get you manufacturer-direct pricing, and we’ll ship to anywhere in the USA from here in the Central Midwest.   (SPEC SHEET)
Contact; ERIC BERNDT / P-Tn / 913-384-9369 or email me at [email protected]