ProgressWEBCAM T-M-S

ProgressWEBCAM OPTIONS – Trailer/Mast/Solar

The simple way to place a P-Tn ProgressWEBCAM  in operation on your site is to use one of our solar-powered units, mounted on a mast, on a trailer we deliver and set-up for you.  Eliminate the cost and logistical delays of installing a wood pole [having to (re)move it later on?], mounting the camera itself, and bringing in electrical power & internet to the camera location.  Each unit offers our Pan-Tilt-Zoom ProgressWEBCAM atop a 20+foot mast on a (repositionable) trailer, with an option for solar power; the internet connection is wireless, of course.  Our trailer-based ProgressWEBCAM is a turnkey approach that gets the job done quickly – perhaps in as little as a few days.

Once activated, you access PICS of your site activities, captured throughout each work day, delivered through a customized online ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE – available 24/7 to your project team.  Find out what you need to know during a brief online visit – save time, reduce trips, and improve communication with site personnel.  Perhaps you’ll want to log in to the LIVE VIEW and operate the pan-tilt-zoom yourself.  You might search previous site photos or ‘PICS’ through the convenient calendar date/time archive, compare different images, share copies via email, or view an updated time-lapse movie of the entire build.  Use the stored ‘PICS’ images, along with the finished ProgressCAMovie  for marketing activities, or posting to your business web site.

Visit this sample ARCHIVEpics INTERFACE from a previous DEMO for one of our clients;  KCMO BRIDGE PROJECT.
… and we’re working right now to improve our INTERFACE to deliver even more functionality, with more site imagery than ever.

We have a variety of units available, plus an association with another site-monitoring firm in the south, so we can provide service throughout the central states.
Local (Kansas City METRO) install & start-up begins at $1250 for a mountable ProgressWEBCAM Compact Unit … with basic monthly hosting from $420 to $485.
Add $300-400/mo for a trailer with mast (T-M), plus about the same to go solar powered (T-M-S).

Unsure?  Let us connect you to one of your own projects, using our in-the-field DEMO ProgressWEBCAM, and experience these features yourself.   If you are seriously considering the benefits of our system, we’ll arrange to place a DEMO unit on YOUR local job site for you to evaluate.  Our demo program is limited, but don’t hesitate to call and discuss this opportunity.  We offer both our compact/quick-mount unit and our mobile trailer-mast unit for short-term demonstrations … both are wireless, and the trailer unit is solar powered, so no need for electrical connections on that demo!  Scroll to the INQUIRY section in the footer below, and CONTACT US!