P-Tn Photographs on Brack Associates Website


We are pleased to be a part of the online marketing efforts for Brack & Associates Engineers, with this selection of images from the PORTFOLIO SECTION of their website. We have talked about P-Tn imagery for our client’s website content, and here’s another example. Ask yourself if YOUR website is displaying imagery [photographic or video … interior/exterior/aerial] of your success stories.

This image shows a separate gallery of the images specifically created by P-Tn for select Brack & Associates projects, originally created for General Contractor, David E. Ross Construction, after completion of the projects. This is also an excellent illustration of providing proper copyright / photo-credit for professional photography; this approach is simple and easy to build into most any site, and fully compliant with US Fed Intellectual Copyright requirements.

So, here’s an Engineering firm for you to hire on your next project, here’s an example of properly providing online © copyright and photo-credit for professionally produced photographs, and these photos may give you some food for thought about getting some great photos for your great(est) projects – thru P-Tn!

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