40-years of Photo & Video WALKTHRU Services

Our Photo & Video WALKTHRU service is what P-Tn began doing over FORTY YEARS ago!  And it’s what we do “the most” today!

Protect your bottom line with “Visual Insurance”.  This service involves documenting pre-existing conditions [READ: Damage] on (or adjacent to) a building construction site, sewer or water pipeline route, manhole location, curb/sidewalk repair, or street improvement/replacement.  We use both PHOTO and VIDEO imagery, and everything is delivered using our LANDING APPAll imagery is linked directly to your original plan sheets; simply click an arrow to see a photo or click a segment to play a video.
We offer two levels of service to meet your budget and your degree of concern over property conditions at the site.  Request a contiguous overview of the entire construction ‘zone’ as a record of what general conditions were prior to beginning work.  Or let P-Tn hunt for damage and record it on PHOTOS or VIDEOS (or BOTH) for maximum protection against later claims or litigation.  We bring a combined 70+ years of field experience to your site, as we walk the site and search for potential problems.

Use a Pre-Construction WALKTHRU to document the entire interior and exterior of the building you will renovate.   Our M-E-P In-WALL Service documents all Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing systems in walls and above ceilings, before these spaces are concealed permanently.  A complete record of the entire building, inside & out, just prior to owner occupancy will head off disputes about clean-up and completed items.  And … a POST-Construction overview of your pipeline or street improvement may save you from claims after construction is complete, and you are off the site.  DOWNLOAD our flier for a structure WALKTHRU or a pipeline WALKTHRU.

Call with questions … call for a formal quote or estimate … or call to schedule WALKTHRU documentation before you start your next project!