P-Tn can help establish and maintain your online visibility. We’re not a marketing or PR firm … and that’s an advantage. Our rates reflect that. However, we maintain our own website at P-Tn.com and we have an active social media campaign. With the resources we use for our own marketing, we offer our clients professional support in designing & building a customized website to establish a spot on the world wide web that will provide exposure to current and prospective customers. Tying your social media posts to that website is not as expensive or time-consuming as you might think, and it will definitely help bring attention to what you do. 

In addition to (or instead of) creating a website for you, P-Tn can simply refresh your existing site with new photos or video content, then audit the site regularly to find bugs or errors and get them resolved to improve your visitor’s experience. We’ll maintain your site going forward to ensure that it continues to do the job it was intended for and relieve you of the stress & headaches of trying to stay on top of it yourself. An outdated website is almost worse than not having one at all – you don’t have to settle for either.

Visit our sister site at P-Tn.org. Discover some of the ways we might be able to help put you on the web, and keep you looking good once you’re there. As you surf our site, keep in mind that its an example of the basic site and layout we could create for your business . . . all we need is a small collection of photos and a write-up about who you are, what you do, and how you serve your customers. We can do most all the rest.

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