P-Tn is Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables - two 55-inch Workstations for the City of Shawnee, Kansas

Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables

With all the Visual Documentation work we do, we don’t spend enough time introducing iPlanTables!

P-Tn is Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables  Wide-format 4K Interactive Touchscreen Workstations, and we’re seeing steady growing popularity of these systems for plan review and electronic document management.  The basic concept of working with electronic plan sheets at full-scale is simple and PROVEN, to be an enormous cost-saver, as well as a way to reduce fatigue and increase efficiency.

FIRE MARSHALS and CITY PLANNERS are the newest groups of professionals to discover and embrace iPlanTables for use in plan review for building and fire code compliance.  The City of Shawnee, Kansas just installed two 55″ Workstations for their City Planning Department, with more units planned for implementation this year.  (see photo) Similar stories are unfolding in municipalities from coast to coast.

Consider the square footage of floor space you currently have dedicated to storage of boxes or rolls of plans, and tables to lay them out on … now imagine putting all of those documents into a single workstation with a footprint the size of one office cubicle (or LESS).  Convert all of your document management and archival storage to digital format and you can image the increased speed gained in retrieving & reviewing them.  The advantages of going “contactless” in the post-pandemic world are obvious, but the improved efficiency of electronic document handling, rather than struggling with traditional paper materials, is unquestioned.
It IS the future!

WATCH this unique iPlanTables unit in motion;  the iWallMount

iPlanTables  is the industry leader, nationally recognized, installed in 40+ states, and built right here in the Kansas City Metro!
P-Tn is Your CONNECTION to iPlanTables  – call or email us today with questions or to request a catalog or pricing.