Here’s a short follow-up on our recent article about providing PRE-Construction PHOTO/VIDEO documentation for a manhole rehabilitation project in the City of Stover, Missouri.  These photos, and this VIDEO CLIP will bring some ‘perspective’ to what P-Tn provides our construction & engineering clients on projects in these small towns throughout the Central Midwest. 

This scene shows beautiful downtown Stover, Missouri for a MH project by BENNETT INC., out of Lamar, Missouri. 


P-Tn’s scope of work is to follow the plan sheets from manhole to manhole (in this case, that involved about 200 manholes throughout the City), or with similar projects, following the pipeline or street improvement route.  What you see in these images is what we look for as we go … cracks in concrete, asphalt deterioration, settlement, driveway & sidewalk damage, landscape problems, and other existing damage.  Our field shooters find and document these conditions so the contractor is protected from claims they caused the damage, when they did not.  Our records keep everyone honest, and the images also aid in properly completing restoration of areas after the repair work is finished. 


A follow-up Post-Construction documentation record shows that all work was properly and fully completed, and it protects the project team from claims that might occur after the contractor has left the work area – in good condition.  Protection like this is quite reasonable in cost, and can easily save more than its cost, by preventing disputes before they get out of control.  Consider requesting an estimate or formal bid from P-Tn on your next local or out-of-town pipeline, manhole, street, or other cross country or linear project.

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