We enjoy sharing that P-Tn provides many of our clients with PRE and POST-Construction documentation, either PHOTO or VIDEO … or BOTH! We’ve been doing this for decades! And we are traveling beyond the Kansas City Metropolitan area more and more often to provide these services on projects ranging from street improvements, highway construction, downtown streetscapes, water transmission lines, sewer lines, power lines, and more. Virtually any construction general contractor will benefit from having a detailed visual record of the existing field conditions on their project site – before they enter to begin work. When questions arise later – and they inevitably will – a professional record will answer questions, settle arguments, and avoid costly disputes or legal action. The same images are a time and money saver when it comes to completing restoration work; you will SEE what pre-construction conditions were like.
Here’s a quick look at a typical roadway. This Olsson Engineered 20th Street Improvement project In Joplin, Missouri will be completed by Emery Sapp & Sons Construction. The work involves expanding the roadway approaches and rebuilding the intersection into a roundabout. Our field professionals literally walk the construction zone to look for existing damage and other conditions that might raise concerns later. There’s no other way to get detailed images and descriptions of what the contractor is going to encounter when the heavy equipment gets started up. Sometimes our FAA certified pilot may fly the route using our drones for a great aerial point of reference. You’ll likely save money, and headaches, and so will the property owner, engineer, and subs, too. Ask for pricing or a formal quotation for the next local or out-of-town ‘linear’ project you plan ... whether it’s in Kansas City or elsewhere in the Central Midwest.
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